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Writer's pictureRainbow Glo

In the Moment

Updated: Sep 26, 2023

I recently went to see & Juliet in the West End during its closing week. I had seen this show before and couldn’t say enough about how fantastic it was. As with most things I enjoy, I wanted to share the experience with the hubs, so I bought tickets for his birthday. It was more a gift for me than him, but I digress.

After having a lovely Italian dinner, we made our way pass cues of people waiting outside various theatres. There’s an energy in the West End that’s like no place else and I was being fuelled by it. My legs couldn’t get me to the Shaftesbury quickly enough.

When we finally settled into our seats in the back of the stalls, the anticipation was palpable. I clearly wasn’t the only repeat punter. All around us people were recounting their favourite moments in the show and eagerly looking forward to seeing them again. I looked around the theatre. Made knowing eye contact with complete strangers united for one single reason. To be in this moment. It was like the entire audience was on the edge of their seats as our journey through this amazing show began.

I’ve always thought of being in the moment as a static, introverted affair. I don’t see it that way now. Not since I started studying Positive Psychology. By our very nature as human beings, we are designed to be in forward motion, because moments are always ahead of us. It’s impossible not to be in the moment, because we're constantly stepping into them. What it boils down to is how we live, love and aspire in the moment.

As we watched & Juliet, we were fully immersed in what was happening on that stage. We were intently watching, experiencing and expressing joy and excitement. Fully appreciating the sheer talent of the performers. Not thinking about anything. Just living in the moment, and not wanting the show or the feelings to end.

When the show did end, as if we were one entity, the audience was on their feet clapping, laughing, dancing, screaming. It was amazing. We were in ecstasy.

As we rushed out and made our way on the tube to Waterloo station desperately trying to catch the 10:30pm train back to the south coast, I wondered if I could experience that same bliss in the mundane, everyday tasks of life, so the next day I sat at my desk to work my day job and I approached it with the same enthusiasm I had at the show. Do you know what happened? Of course you don't, so I'm gonna tell you. When I gave my full attention to what I was doing, I actually got lost in the work. I was taking my time instead of rushing through projects. I wasn’t multi-tasking, which I’m completely rubbish at. I was in the moment.

The following day I needed to get packed for my next cruise ship contract. So I went about it with my full attention and joyfully did my laundry (which I normally let build up for weeks before tackling), I made sure I had everything I needed for my shows, and was fully packed and in bed by 8pm so that I could be rested for my 2am start the next morning. I somehow managed to enjoy this mundane task, because I stayed present. I allowed my senses to get involved. I took my time.

I have a feeling this ‘being present’ can be applied to everything. There’s so much vying for our attention that we end up missing the moments, even when where in them. I challenge you to give your full attention to whatever it is you need to accomplish today. Treat your tasks as an event, because you are going to burn through a lot of moments completing those tasks, so why not make each moment incredible.

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